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NoteS from Nicole
7/18/23, Making sense of Lyme Research
When I finally realized that my husband’s early-onset Alzheimer’s was caused by Lyme disease and other co-infections, I tried to use my engineering background to make sense of it all. I very quickly found myself lost.
I recently got a second chance to dig into the research. The Center for Lyme Action wanted a writer to put together an educational paper called “The State of Lyme Disease Research in the United States.” As it turned out, that writer was me.
Read more about the project in my blog on, and go to CLA’s website to download a copy of the paper and watch our presentation to Congressional staff.
1/14/23, One year later
Losing Russ first to dementia and then to death brought me to a dark place. His disease shattered everything I thought I knew, and the remaining pieces no longer fit. I knew I needed to pour my energy into driving change. To ensure that those infected in the future didn’t experience the chaos of the present.
So what have I been up to? What have I learned in the past year? Read my blog on to find out.
6/1/22, Featured on TODAY!
Well, I missed Lyme Awareness Month by a day, but in my mind, Lyme Awareness should be all year anyway.
I am always thrilled when the mainstream media covers tick-borne illnesses and highlights the horrors that they can bring. So to have run a feature on our story--let's just say it’s a moment that creates a reason for our journey.
Check out our article, and PLEASE SHARE it far and wide. EVERYONE needs to understand how quickly one little tick bite can change their life.
1/14/22, In Memory of Russell Wayne Bell
Russ passed peacefully on the morning of Friday, January 14, 2022. He was under hospice care and did not experience pain during his transition. We are grateful that he is finally at rest.
His illness has been a journey, but that does not overshadow the incredible accomplishments and joy of his life. He was filled with energy, passion, and humor, and his endearing personality will forever be missed. A summary of his life is provided here but words cannot describe the wonder that was Russ.
The kids and I have been preparing for this moment for some time. Despite that, the emotions are overwhelming. We miss him terribly but are glad that his days are now filled with dove hunting, jam sessions, and a little bit of mischief.
11/27/21, Irritability and moodiness as a symptom?
When people think of tick-borne illness, they think of Lyme disease. And when they think of Lyme, they think of fever and a rash. But the reality is so much deeper, and most people—including doctors—don't connect the dots. Millions are needlessly suffering. Understand why before it's too late.
Check out my new article on Your Tango, My Husband Was Irritable And Moody. The Surprising Cause Required More Than Therapy, and share it to spread the word.
11/18/21, Infection and psychiatric symptoms
Can an infection cause psychiatric symptoms? I was skeptical until I saw the impact of Bartonella on my husband.
In my blog post on Project Lyme, I discuss our experience along with other patient stories—including the amazing Nicole Malachowski, who I was honored to meet for this article. If you think that mental illness is limited to those with genetic predispositions or who have experienced trauma, you may want to think again.
10/15/21, Lyme and Alzheimer’s
I still get the looks. Those looks of confusion and doubt when I say that Russ has Alzheimer’s caused by Lyme disease. But this is not a statement that I take lightly. It is a statement that is backed by research and science. For more info, see my recent blog post on Lyme Warrior.
I believe someday the link between Borrelia and Alzheimer’s will be dogma. We’ll look back and scoff that we ever thought otherwise. It wouldn’t be the first time. Medical history is littered with doctors and scientists who were ridiculed for their ideas that later proved to be right. Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis was fired from his job and went insane after failing to convince his colleagues that hand washing between patients cut down the rate of death from childbed fever. Dr. Barry Marshall infected himself with H. pylori to prove that the bacteria caused stomach ulcers. Medicine isn’t always accepting of new ideas, but in the end, true science wins. Let’s hope we can minimize the suffering in the meantime.
10/6/21, Feedback on What Lurks in the Woods
I am beyond humbled by the feedback coming in from advanced readers. This blog post from Dorothy Leland at gave me chills. Seeing leaders in the Lyme world connect so deeply with the book—well, it gives me hope that our story will make a difference.
9/24/21, The one thing I wish I’d known
It was an honor to speak to Project Lyme about the motivation behind What Lurks in the Woods. Check out the interview to discover the one thing I wished I’d known before Russ became sick.
8/14/21, Life comes into focus
Sometimes life has a way of pulling what’s important into focus—even if it takes mass destruction to clear the path. Well, that’s where I am. My husband’s illness turned everything I thought I knew upside down, and I’m now determined to make it right. This website is part of that journey.
My goal is to help those dealing with chronic illness. I want you to know that you’re not alone and that the root causes of your disease do exist. Be relentless in your pursuit. Own your health and wellness. And stay tuned for resources to support you.
To schedule an interview, speaking event, or book event please email
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The Book
“What Lurks in the Woods is a raw and wrenching memoir that will jolt you out of the fairy tale that doctors have it all figured out. May her tragic journey of discovery help others to find their way.”
—Dr. Steven Phillips, MD and co-author of the best-selling book, Chronic
About Nicole
Sometimes life has a way of pulling what’s important into focus even if it takes mass destruction to clear the path. Well, that’s where I am. My husband’s illness turned everything I thought I knew upside down, and I’m now determined to make it right.

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