about Nicole
Nicole Bell is a mom and successful entrepreneur who has advanced her professional career as an engineer and program manager. She became an executive in a fast-growing medical device company, where she built a world-class team in surgical robotics. But in 2017, Nicole’s husband was diagnosed with a devastating disease, and she was forced into her most challenging roles yet: caregiver and medical proxy. Unsatisfied with the doctors’ answers, Nicole set out on a journey using her engineering mindset to search for the root causes of her husband’s illness. She eventually found them and sought treatment—a process that changed her and her entire view of modern medicine.
Nicole grew up near Boston and earned a Bachelor's and Master's of Science in Materials Science and Engineering from MIT and a Master's of Science in Biomedical Engineering from Duke University. She currently lives near Raleigh, North Carolina, with her two children and dogs.

Share a passion for finding the root cause of disease?
Want to collaborate? Have feedback on the website or book? Connect with Nicole at info@nicoledaniellebell.com
The Book
“What Lurks in the Woods is a raw and wrenching memoir that will jolt you out of the fairy tale that doctors have it all figured out. May her tragic journey of discovery help others to find their way.”
—Dr. Steven Phillips, MD and co-author of the best-selling book, Chronic
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Discover “Why” Nicole Danielle Bell wrote What Lurks in the Woods. Hear about the transformative journey that led to the creation of her memoir.

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